Page 12 - 《食品科学技术学报》2020年第2期
P. 12

第 38 卷 第 2 期摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 段盛林等: 新冠肺炎及呼吸系统病患所需全营养配方食品的开发                                      7

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                  Development of Full鄄Nutritional Formula Food for
                            COVID鄄19 and Respiratory Patients

            DUAN Shenglin , 摇 CHEN Wei , 摇 XIA Kai , 摇 LIU Yifeng , 摇 HAN Xiaofeng     1,2,*
        (1郾 China National Research Institute of Food Fermentation Industries Co Ltd, Beijing 100015, China;
      2郾 Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention
                                for Chronic Disease, Beijing 100015, China;
           3郾 Department of Clinical Nutrition, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of
                                 Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730, China)

       Abstract: The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID鄄19) and its global epidemic shocked the
       world, which inspired the new thinking of food structure and consumption pattern from consumers. The
       scientific concept of nutrition and health and the appeals of good life caused wide society attention. It is
       bound to profoundly influence food industry, especially to the emerging industry of food for special
       medical purposes ( FSMP). Face to the epidemic outbreak of COVID鄄19 without specific drugs,
       nutritional support treatment is an important intervention method for front鄄line treatment, and there is no
       FSMP for patients with COVID鄄19 yet. Based on the characteristics and nutritional needs of patients with
       respiratory system disease, the development concept of product suitable for diagnosis and treatment of
       respiratory diseases was designed via the adjustment of energy supply of macronutrients and the addition of
       microelement. The specific full鄄nutritional powder, emulsion, and functional fat emulsion for respiratory
       system diseases were designed via research and optimization of raw material screening and process, which
       should be applied strongly for nutritional treatment and life support after the epidemic.
       Keywords: food industry; food for special medical purposes; COVID鄄19; respiratory diseases; full鄄
                  nutritional formula food

                                                                                (责任编辑:李摇 宁)
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