About Journal

About Journal

Journal of Food Science and Technology (CN 10-1151/TS, ISSN 2095-6002, from 2013 to now) is published bimonthly, which was founded in 1983 and originally named as Journal of Beijing Light Industry College (CN 11-1693/TS, ISSN 1001-7429, from 1983 to 2001) and Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University (Natural Science)CN 11-4644/N, ISSN 1671-1513,from 2001 to 2012. It is managed by the Beijing Education Committee, and sponsored by Beijing Technology and Business University. Professor Sun Baoguo, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, is the chief editor of our journal.

The columns of Journal of Food Science and Technology can be divided as follows: foundational research, applied technology, safety supervision, special edition, expert forum, and special studies. This journal main issue in the field of food science and technology and related basic research, processing technology, fresh-keeping, analyze, test, clean production, safety regulation, machinery and packaging technology, and the latest scientific research achievements, including to explore new theories, new methods and new food field technology research papers, and food science frontier development dynamic quality review articles.


The range of topics covered in Journal of Food Science and Technology does not include:

1) Tobacco, Chinese medicine that is not food and medicine homologous, cooking techniques, pure medicine, pharmacy, mathematical derivation.

2) Anti-oxidation and animal experiments performed without using extracts with specific functional components.

3) Survey reports, market analysis, and consumer behavior analysis.

4) Functional or toxicological experiments on specific commercial products.

5) Content of education reform.

6) Related patent pending, reluctant to open compositions of experimental materials.


The articles published in this journal have been included in several international authoritative retrieval systems, such as Food Science and Technology Abstracts (FSTA) in Britain, Chemical Abstracts (CA), Japan Science and Technology Agency (Chinese Bibliographic Database) (JSTChina), Digest Magazine in Russia (AJ), and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (Network Edition) (Ulrichsweb) in America. And it has also entered into several important Chinese databases, such as Chinese core journals of Science and Technology, Chinese Agricultural core journals, and RCCSE Chinese academic journals.


This journal is meticulously managed by the "national excellent university of science and technology periodicals quality prize" editorial team, and we welcome national experts and scholars of food technology and related area to contribute.